Revolution Parkour

RVPK Scholarship Application

The Revolution Parkour Scholarship Application is now available! Our view at Revolution Parkour has and always will be that Parkour is for everyone. Although it takes investment and time to run a gym like we have, we understand that not everyone can afford to pay for a membership. For this reason we have developed the Revolution Parkour Scholarship Program so students with a strong desire to learn Parkour but without the financial means to attend classes still can.

You can view and download the scholarship application by clicking the link below. All applications submitted will be carefully considered and notices will be sent out within 30 days for the following month. If you have any questions let us know!

UPDATE 12/20/12: We will be updating the Scholarship Application and re-posting in February 2013.

UPDATE 2/8/13 The new Scholarship Application is up. Click here.